


AFFRESCHI采用新工艺 给您不一样的墙面

该项目的进郑州癫痫病医院哪家专业展是由antoniolupi 和Pietro Gaeta之间的协作共同完成的,Pietro Gaeta是一位多年来一直致力哪家医院专治疗癫痫病于研究浴室墙纸装修工作的专家级人物。AFFRESCHI 带着全新科技的出现改变了以往单一的油漆绘墙工艺取而代之的水彩成年人癫痫病如何治疗绘于墙面上。

The project developed from a collaboration between antoniolupi and Pietro Gaeta, a designer that for years has personally researched 新余治疗癫痫病最好的医院the surfaces and the decoration for the bathroom. AFFRESCHI change the wall in a painting thanks to a new te癫痫哪家医院能治好chnology, which allows to transfer a drawing on a surface.


The technology used for this project is very receque.


The applifree thanks to the use of substances廊坊治疗癫痫病医院哪家强 based on water. After the coat of the clinging primer by qualified persons on the surface to decorate, the product takes 30 minutes to become active. Then, the decoration can be applied (a space of about 2rking hours). The application is easy, thus th成都治疗癫痫最好的医院ngs, from vaults to domes.


AFFRESCHI is a sustainable project since it does not use chemical glues and it does not modify the features of the surfaces where it is applied. It is transpiring, environment-friendly, it can be used with the best paintings, lacquers and facings available for sale.